This week was full of doctors visits. My six week checkup on Monday, Daniel's six week checkup on Wednesday, and then my annual-ish eye exam happened today. All good reports, Daniel is now a little over 10lbs and is getting bigger all around. His pediatrician was impressed, and it's great encouragement that my nursing and our supplementing is working. Hooray!
In honor of our cold spell, we broke out the footie pjs! |
Can't wait for more cold weather. |
The only bummer came today at my eye exam. Surprisingly my prescription stayed the same, but I was diagnosed with
keratoconus, a steep cornea. It's not super serious, and I'm in the early stages. The doctor said that I should come back in three months to get checked, and I'm hoping that it's slow in progressing. Maybe the hormones from pregnancy will subside and arrest any further change. It's evidently treatable, but still something to keep an "eye" on. ;-)
But the fun part, I picked out new glasses! I'll post pictures once they arrive, I ordered regular glasses and prescription sunglasses.
Daniel is doing really well sleeping, at least for the moment. He'll stretch from midnight to about 6 or 6:30am. It's been awesome to get more than just two or three hours at a time, but I'm sure come the next growth spurt I'll be singing a different tune.
Now that we're getting more of a schedule, and more consistent sleep, I'm looking forward to having some time to get to the gym. I'm glad to be back in "normal" jeans, but I can tell it's going to be a while before I'm in my skinny pairs again. I had decided to wait until January but I think I'll start sooner, since things are settling down faster than I thought. This requires some planning and initiative, so pray that I'll be diligent about actually working out. My goal is to get to a reasonable weight to hopefully get rid of any effects of my PCOS, in case we decide to try to have more kids.
Funny faces. |
Still having fun with my new app! |
In other news, Benjamin is funny and sweet and occasionally infuriating. Emy is amazing and I can't imagine life without her assistance. We've started using
The Fresh 20, which is a menu-planning service thing. It's been really helpful, I'm terrible at thinking up meals and would get frustrated, and it was stressful for Thomas to come home and have me trying to think of something at the last minute. Thomas is super helpful and will grocery shop on the weekend, and he'll help with food prep and cooking. He's the best. I'm really grateful for our friends who suggested this website, it's made a big difference. And the food tastes good, is pretty healthy, and definitely is a welcome change from my usual standbys.
Thanks for the cool Tshirt, Mimi and Papa! |
That's it for now!